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I Nyoman Suasa
2nd Floor Jalan Tunjung Sari No. 69
Denpasar, Bali, 80117
Esta semana dos técnicos del área de medio ambiente del Ararteko hemos tenido la oportunidad de encontramos con el grupo de personas de la red de voluntariado de Greenpeace en Euskadi.
Donostiako kultur informazioa ere jarrai dezakezu programazioaren arduradun eta protagonisten blog hauetan. Liburuen gomendioak irakurri eta idazteko blog irekia. Arantza Urkia naiz, Donostia Kulturako liburutegien sareko zuzendaria. Blog honetan nire gogoetak idatziko ditut, bereziki iburutegi m.
Means having an open two-way communication about science and the implications of research, as well as its need for society. Such communication involves active, objective and unbiased. Listening, discussing and questioning. By both parties to enable the transfer of scientific knowledge into public wisdom. Indeed, researchers have a. Based on evidence and observations. Rather than on preconceived truths or biases.